HPMRU News Release No. 006
January 14, 2021

Dr. Laila D. Celino, Head of the Health Promotion and Media Relations Unit, Department of Health – Metro Manila Center for Health Development (DOH-MMCHD) elaborated on Wednesday, January 13 the forthcoming Measles-Rubella Supplemental Immunization Activity (MR-SIA) thru a phone patch interview on Birada Bendijo on Radyo Pilipinas 738 AM.

In the live special coverage interview by radio anchorman, Aljo Bendijo, Dr. Celino said that on February 1-28 the DOH-MMCHD will have the mass supplemental immunization campaign for measles-rubella. The target children for this campaign are those children 9 months to less than 5 years old.

Dr. Celino called on parents and caregivers to bring their children with this age bracket to the health centers and identified vaccination posts nearest to their residence for the measles-rubella immunization.

Because of the looming threat of COVID-19 and the various restrictions of community lockdown being implemented in the locality due to the COVID-19 pandemic, many children were not able to complete their routine immunization. A possible threat of measles outbreak needs to be prevented, Dr. Celino discussed.

Measles is a serious disease because this may lead to complications and may even lead to death. Immunization is the only means to prevent measles, Dr. Celino explained.

Dr. Celino also emphasized that the supplemental measles-rubella immunization will give children added protection against measles and rubella. She reiterated that the immunization activities will be done in health centers and several identified vaccination posts.

Likewise, Dr. Celino assured the people that health workers will strictly observe infection prevention and control measures in all vaccination posts during the activity. This, according to her, is to protect the children and each other from the transmission of COVID-19.

Dr. Celino added that after the campaign, routine immunization will still be done in the health centers. Moreover, she once again appealed to parents and caregivers of 9 months to less than 5 years old children to bring their children to the health centers and vaccination posts on February for the added dose on measles-rubella vaccination.